
自1961年以来, 世界博彩公司十大排名·科特兰医疗中心 has offered unique, 为所有年龄的人提供灵活的志愿者机会. Our volunteers play an invaluable role in fulfilling our commitment to the community and to delivering excellent patient care. Hard-working volunteers can be found in nearly every area of the hospital, and many of our volunteers go on to become healthcare professionals here at our medical center and beyond.


We offer a wide array of volunteer service opportunities that match almost every interest and skill level, ranging from more active roles such as patient 运输 to light administrative and clerical tasks. 志愿者s are often cross-trained to work in different departments throughout the hospital.


无论你的年龄或经历如何, being a volunteer offers you the opportunity to work on team building, 解决问题, and interpersonal communications while deepening connections with staff, 病人, 和社区.


世界博彩公司十大排名·科特兰志愿者志愿服务 at 世界博彩公司十大排名·科特兰医疗中心 offers you the opportunity to enhance your life while helping the lives of others in our community. Opportunities available include greeting visitors, 帮助患者登记流程, 运输, 在安娜的地方工作, 我们志愿者经营的咖啡和礼品店.

We truly appreciate the gift of your time and energy, so we are flexible and work around your availability. The typical volunteer shift is 3-4 hours, once a week, on a regular basis. 要开始,请填写一份 志愿者申请  邮寄或传真至:

  • 世界博彩公司十大排名·科特兰医疗中心, 志愿者 Office
  • 荷马大道134号
  • 科特兰,纽约州13045
  • 传真至:(607)756-3375 

一旦我们审查了你的申请, you will be invited to an orientation and then go through health clearance. Please contact Jarrod Kolodziejczyk, Manager of 志愿者 服务 at (607) 756-3557 or by email at: jarrodf.kolodziejczyk@yaojinrong.com.


始于1905年, the 世界博彩公司十大排名·科特兰医疗中心 医院援助 sponsors a number of programs that benefit new mothers and children of all ages. 一个这样的程序, 单位的支持, 提供睡眠, 毯子, socks and other everyday items to children that need them. The group is also one of the co-sponsors of WHALE (We Have A Little Emergency), 儿童安全座椅识别程序.

医院援助 volunteers also raise funds to support the maternity department. Recent fundraising efforts have helped purchase new equipment including an infant warmer for the nursery, lighted microscope for maternity and “Hugs" child protection system. 

For more information, contact the volunteer office at (607) 756-3555.


Cortland Regional Medical Center is pleased to offer many opportunities for student volunteers in both clinical and non-clinical roles. 报名参加青少年志愿者计划, 你必须在14到18岁之间, 有及格成绩, 由你的指导顾问推荐, 满足物理要求和, 最重要的是, be willing to make a commitment of time and energy. The program requires a commitment of 40 hours over the summer as well as one Saturday per month throughout the year. Students volunteer in a number of areas including but not limited to:

  • 护理单元
  • 病人运输
  • 牧师的职责
  • 营养服务
  • 接待区(信息) & 酒店部门)
  • 咖啡店

Please print and complete our application form to express your interest, 包括你的目标和目的, and the department you would like to volunteer in. 一旦我们收到你的申请, it will be forwarded to the department of interest for their review. 一旦做出决定,我们将与您联系.

College-age students may also volunteer at 世界博彩公司十大排名·科特兰医疗中心. Please contact Jarrod Kolodziejczyk, Manager of 志愿者 服务 at (607) 756-3557 or by email at: jarrodf.kolodziejczyk@yaojinrong.com 欲了解更多信息,请访问 点击这里 下载义工申请表. 填妥后邮寄或传真至:

  • 世界博彩公司十大排名·科特兰医疗中心, 志愿者 Office
  • 荷马大道134号
  • 科特兰,纽约州13045
  • 传真至:(607)756-3375


Whether your academic path is leading you towards a clinical or non-clinical profession, we offer a wide variety of internship opportunities for college students. 世界博彩公司十大排名·科特兰医疗中心 is an exceptional setting to gain real-world, hands-on experiences to grow your knowledge and your skills as you enter the professional world.

世界博彩公司十大排名·科特兰医疗中心 is also pleased to offer job shadowing for individuals 18 and older. These are short term, non-academic observation opportunities. The person job shadowing does not provide direct patient care. Job shadowing provides a chance to observe healthcare professionals at work. Shadowing is scheduled for a few hours to 1-2 days maximum. We do not offer shadowing with physicians, physician assistants, or nurse practitioners.

For more information about these opportunities, 请给Jarrod Kolodziejczyk打电话, Manager of 志愿者 服务 at (607) 756-3557 or by email at: jarrodf.kolodziejczyk@yaojinrong.com.


作为我们精神关怀团队的一员, 你会提供富有同情心的倾听, 维护机密性, and offer emotional and spiritual support without judgment. 你还将接受持续的培训. Evangelizing or proselytizing is not appropriate for this particular ministry.

Please feel free to contact our volunteer office at (607) 756-3555 or complete a 志愿者申请 邮寄/传真至:

  • 世界博彩公司十大排名·科特兰医疗中心, 志愿者 Office
  • 荷马大道134号
  • 科特兰,纽约州13045
  • 传真至:(607)756-3375

一旦你的申请被审查, our spiritual care coordinator will contact you for a possible interview.